Wednesday 5 October 2011

I'm feeling a little poetic

I know I haven't posted in quite a while but you know how things get on top of you and you become super busy etc. Well anyway I'm posting now :)

Sorry this isn't one of my hilarious posts in which everyone who is reading laughs their heads off cause im so funny. I randomly wrote some poems and thought I would share they are not very good mind you and in the world of poetry they would probably be considered horrid haha. So have a read and let me know what you think if you want. :)

Once again

Don't want to burden
Don't want to be alone
Where are you?
I don't even know
What am I looking for
The path has become overgrown
Once again.


My smile errupts
The tingles begin
Butterflies start to form
I lose track of my thoughts
Trying to hold back the laughter

I fall too fast
I need to slow myself down
But you get to me

Your pictures evoke so much
I'm truely fascinated
I want to know more
Teach me
I want to see the world how you do

I fall too fast
I need to slow myself down
But you get to me

Kind hearted and funny
I wish I knew more
The smile remains
The laughter in full force

I fall too fast
But hope to be caught
Someday by you

I wish I could walk forever
I don't ever want to stop
See the world on my feet
Passing by the past

I wish I could escape you
I don't want to be controlled
See it through my eyes
Passing through my veins

I wish for a life
I don't want for much
See the little things that count
Passing by nothing

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Procrastination always gets the better of me :|

So I have two rather important assignments due in a couple of weeks and I haven't started either of these. I have become the master of procrastination I will always find something to distract me today for instance I decided I felt like ice-cream so took a trip to the supermarket then ate the ice-cream when I got home. I decided I should get on to putting my 50+ CDs onto itunes so I actually have music on my ipod to listen to little did I know this would be extremely time consuming but then again that didn't bother me as long as I was doing anything but my assignment. Facebook and Twitter of course become extra interesting. My dogs become so much fun to play with and less annoying. Webcam is another source of entertainment setting the challenge of how many funny faces I can come up with other then my normal face.

As you can see I have come up with many fun activites to entertain myself for the day. Panic is sure to set in soon as the due date gets closer.

This is one of my wonderful Webcam photos.
I know what your thinking "Damn this girl is fine..." :-P
I also have clinical placement coming up in just over a week and I am soooooooo nervous! I hope it goes well and that I don't make too many mistakes. Fingers crossed :S

Many of my friends off at University have come back during their break so I have got to catch up with then which is great and I think I either cooked lunch or dinner for every one of them I think it is fair to say I am pretty darn amazing although i rather enjoy cooking for other people. :)

Owell that is about all to update on my rather exciting life. Now I am going to have to find something else to distract me from my assignments. Feel free to leave any ideas on ways to avoid study below :D

Catch all you cool cats later xx

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Back to Reality

How did i spend my weekend you ask? Well i was casually living it up in a penthouse in Wellington. Okay maybe its not quite what your thinking. I was visiting friends and one of my very good friends is currently living it up in a penthouse and i decided to jump on the bandwagon. Technically he was begging me to come and stay because I'm such a cool person people always want me around. :)

So i was on the pullout couch on the 17th floor of the Rydges hotel. Fancy huh? My exercise routine while in Wellington was vigorous its no easy task spending your whole day walking all over Wellington. Especially when you are not used to steep hills and i thought i brought appropriate foot wear only to be waddling in pain due to blisters on my feet. I was disappointed that none of my friends offered me a piggyback ride i was giving obvious hints ha ha.

But all the pain was worth it as we happened across one of my close friends Stephen Fry (I joke I joke). I was excited but not to the extent of my friends they so kindly shoved the camera at me and said Anthea you can take the photo. :) But i was having none of that i think the outcome was rather good :)

Now i know you are all thinking who is that insanely good looking chick on the right of Stephen??? That's me silly. :)

Overall my trip was a success i loved catching up with most of my friends because i miss them like crazy. Only down side the plane ride back now I'm not the best flyer on a good day and the flight back was rough lucky it was only about 50mins i don't think i would have lasted much longer then that.

Thanks to my good friend Kieran for allowing me to stay in the penthouse with me although i did dishes and made the bed etc so really I'm the best type of person to have stay :)

I better go do some study considering i got none don't this weekend.

Catch you peps later <3

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Its been a long time since I've been here

Far out how slack have i been! What have you all been doing with yourselves? I would have expected an obscene amount of comments asking me to update but i was sadly disappointed no wonder i haven't updated in a while nobody has reminded me gosh guys now who is the slack one aye.

I have been pretty darn busy though. Who knew studying towards a degree would be so much work huh. To be honest i am one big stress ball everything is just so full on you never get a brake, and considering it is nursing there isn't that much room for mistakes. Lets just say i tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and sometimes wonder if i will be able to last the 3 years and come out the other side. We shall see wont we :)

During my stressful times in which a few brake downs occurred ha ha. i did consider other career options I'm a pretty good cook and so i thought chef, caterer. But my friends response was housewife :| But hey i think i would be an amazing housewife so i guess it could be a option only problem there is i would need a husband. so maybe that wont work out ha ha.

I have come to the conclusion i was born in the wrong era. All this equal rights and woman's movement has just made life so much harder for women ha ha. Now we just end up doing double the work. Although if it didn't happen i would probably be complaining about that. Gosh women aye all we do is complain ;)

My toes are really cold at the moment random fact you all really wanted to know. The funny thing is i have slippers on so this doesn't make much sense shouldn't the slippers be making my feet warm. Oh well it shall remain a mystery.

I recently watched a story on the news about the AshleyMadison website and it actually made me laugh the Creator apparently thinks he is saving marriages by allowing people to have affairs. Am i the only one that finds it funny?

Anyway i better go do some study stop distracting me my procrastination is already at abnormally high levels :)
No picture today sorry :(
Catch you peps later xx

Monday 11 July 2011

The Next Guitar Hero!!!

Wow i just realised i haven't updated this blog in quite a while. I have been so slack I know. What have you all been doing with yourselves???

So Today was my 1st day back to studies after a 3 week holiday and let me tell your after one day i think i am in need of another lot of holidays. Today was so full on i am feeling very overwhelmed, already stressing out. I think it was a lot to take in in one day and the fact that it was a 8am start and 5pm finish i have to say i am very tired.

That brings me to my next point i have been having trouble sleeping for quite a few months now and let me tell you it is not bringing me any favours. So feel free to leave handy tips to help me sleep better in a comment below, I love comments so leave as many as you like :)

The 3 week holiday went rather quickly to start off i celebrated my 19th Birthday a few friends came round and made me dinner which was lovely considering i got called into work and had worked an 8 hour day :| any way dinner was delicious. Then we headed into to town to watch a reggae performance in which a friend of mind was back up singing and for a young band they were bloody good the lead singer had a awesome voice especially for a New Zealander our accents are the nicest ha ha. Any then followed some drinks and dancing and a good night was had by all.

I received a few presents i  particularly liked one that was covered in post-it notes instead of gift wrapped. I love post-it notes they are just so handy and i just thought it was so cool. The other presents were also cool :).

Now I'm going to let you in on a secret of mine i can play the guitar now i may not be very good even after 3 years of lessons but I'm going to claim it anyway. i mean look at this photo i am obviously a natural!

I know what your thinking, Good looks, Plays guitar, obviously incredibly smart. I'm the whole package. Truth be told i have been told by many people i would be a good wife. Although i think this is due to the fact i am a pretty good cook and sometimes enjoy cleaning i know I'm a tad weird.

Anyway i better go try get some sleep otherwise ill really be stressing out!

Catch you peps later
:) xx

Tuesday 21 June 2011

The possibilites are endless

So exams are finally over and after working 4 days straight without time in between exams and work i am finally able to relax. the 1st of my friends is back from university and i got to catch up with her today which was great i miss my friends so much and i don't think they realise just how much. Most of them have loads of friends with them at university me on the other hand i don't so i think I'm more aware of the fact they are away and think about it more. But i guess that is just life.

It is funny how during exams while your failing at study and winning at procrastination just how many career options you come up with i discovered some pretty tempting options. Professional parcel sender, Opening my own catering business (Problem with that is you need money) - although i hear Hugh Hefner is single now.. Oh the options. Moneys always holding us back though it seems.

So Friday is D-day. Majority of my friends are going to be away during my birthday but that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. My friend Prue is scheming and I'm sure the 2 of us will have a good time. It would be nice the have all my friends here but i understand that they have school. I received my first card today and $20 Which was cool. Thanks heaps to my Aunty Robyn :)

I was looking at the photos covering one of my walls the other day. and there is this one photo that always makes me laugh everyone in the photo are doing things that remind of exactly what they are like Here it is:
Just ignore me on the end, I'm pretty sure i was drunk.

I have recently become more and more interested in moving to Ireland something about that accent ha ha. plus I'm part Irish (like everyone else ha ha) so it would be like going home.. Right? It becomes even more appealing with all these actors case in point Chris O'Dowd in Bridesmaids. Anyway who knows where i will go. The world is my oyster right.

Anyway that's about it from me for now, Until next time.
Catch y'all later :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

The Calender keeps moving ??

Hey Guys,

Well this probably wont be one of my best updates because i mean the others were just so amazing so its always hard to compete with myself to come up with something better because whats better then me aye... :)
I just have a mental block i guess you could say, nothings coming out and nothings going in. considering i have exams in less then a week and it is study time at the moment things aren't looking too good :S

Everything becomes distracting when you try to study its like being on drugs almost (Of course i wouldn't know cause I'm an angel and have never done drugs) but your hands are like so fascinating and the blank piece of paper in front of you is like the coolest thing you've seen in years. Anyway i think it is obvious that i have done so much study and I'm going to ace all my exams as i am that amazing :)

Don't know why but all of a sudden today i have just felt a bit sad maybe i am stressed over exams, i miss all my friends, or its something else I'm not really aware of, my subconscious playing tricks on me. Women huh... i really need to pee but want to finish this post before i go to the toilet cause other wise i will loose my train of thought. Anyway I'm sure you all wanted to know that piece of information. but come on the things i do for you people. I'm holding my pee in for you now that is commitment!

The goals for the last post well I'm going to say half of them are complete and the others are a work in progress but that's pretty good i reckon. I wish life was easier sometimes... Money was just given to me and i could do what ever i wanted that would be nice, also remind me never to get fat again it takes so much effort and time to try get it off yet putting it on is so easy damn all you skinny people who can eat whatever you want which is pretty much all my friends i really need to find some fun fat friends i may blend in more.

I guess I've been pretty lonely lately studying is so isolating and the lack of friends in the same city as me may have something to add to that. Where are all the amazing guys that are funny tall and good looking that want me! I'm sure i had a massive line of them outside my door a minute ago? Somebody must have stole them away. damn you! But seriously it would be nice for a line to start forming at some point, i ain't getting any younger people in fact my birthday is just round the corner. so a guy that fits the category with a nice bow tied around him would be a nice present thanks :) ha ha flowers would do as well ha ha.

This is a photo of me and my sister before my first ball we were being our usual dorky selves ha ha we got some killer moves! This photo always makes me laugh love my sis so much she is amazing!

So my birthday is in 2 weeks scary stuff time is flying by so far the plan is me and one of my bestest friends are going to be spending the day eating carrot sticks in my living room exciting stuff i know. Jealous your birthday ain't going to be as good i know. If anyone has any other great ideas to add we are open to suggestions. we are already considering going crazy and having dip with the carrot sticks but we are still on the fence about that one its a big decision so we shall see ;)

Well that's about all from me I'm about to burst. now that i have held my pee in for you i feel we are much closer don't you?

Stay tuned for more personal information to come spilling out of my mouth!

Catch ya later Peps
Song to check out inspired title The Calender - Panic At The Disco